Instructions prior to Anesthesia:

  • You or your child cannot eat for 8 hours prior to the procedure time. Medications may be taken with a very small sip of water. If necessary clear liquids such as gatorade or water, in small amounts, may be take up to 4 hours prior to the procedure time. Children must be carefully watched if they are fasting for a procedure, as they may ingest food or water while hungry without your knowing.
  • Please dress comfortably. Furthermore, please avoid dark nail polish or long nails, as one finger will be used to monitor your oxygen saturation during the infusion, and these will impede in date collection by the monitor.
  • You must have a responsible adult drive you home following the procedure.
  • It is very important that you inform me of any recent or past illicit drug use. The mix of many drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and many others, with Anesthetic agents may have fatal consequences. Informing me of illicit drug use will remain strictly confidential.
  • Because the chemicals in cigarettes bind to proteins in the blood stream which carry oxygen, it is highly advisable that you refrain from smoking for as long as possible prior to your procedure. Please let me know during our phone interview if you smoke cigarettes, marijuana, or any other substance.

Instructions after Anesthesia:

  • Do not drive or operate heavy machinery for 24 hours after your anesthetic.
  • If you experience nausea, vomiting, or any other atypical symptoms, please contact me.